Whether it's a private home, a hotel room or a restaurant, the floor is a real business card. Let's find out why.
1. It is the coating with the greatest development of square meters on the surface
Unlike a wall, which can always be tinted or selected, the choice of floor covering must be even more careful. Once the furnishings are in place, changing the floor won't be that easy.
2. It must meet the needs of everyday life, that is to be resistant and easy to clean
Various types of flooring are available on the market, in porcelain stoneware, parquet, laminate with technical carpets (available in this article), available in any size and infinite color nuances. Obviously, orienting oneself towards a precise typology depends above all on the destination of the space one is planning.
3. Establishes the design and choice of furnishings that will complete the space
Furnishing an environment implies a study that must involve every environment in equal measure. There must be harmony between materials, colors, furnishings and accessories. The restyling of any environment starts with the choice of the perfect floor. The material, the color, the texture influence the chosen choice of furnishings, accessories, upholstery, which then determine the style of the environment.
Today there are two main flooring trends:
1) use the same floor in all the rooms, obtaining an effect of uniformity and expansion of the space. This consideration is made especially for private provisions, which are now increasingly smaller;
2) place two different coatings on a surface, often in contrast with one another. This "break" gives graphic movement to the space removing the feeling of infinite continuity.
Especially with regard to the coatings, the 2019-2020 recalls the return of the Italian classic, but with a touch of modernity. Among the most popular found:
- MARBLE AND STONE EFFECT, for unlimited luxury
These materials have different properties, in terms of resistance and maintenance, but who can not combine all of them to create unique contrasts?
"REMIX PAVEMENT" here is the term coined to suggest the combination of parquet and tiles, and why not, also parquet and marble. A fresh style, but at the same time elegant. Everything depends on the choice of materials. You get endless aesthetic solutions to create spectacular effects, contrasts and special designs. The aim is to achieve an unexpected break between the areas that are in the same environment, such as open spaces. Let's take as a reference a private home: those who love to cook, are always looking for resistant floors and above all easy to clean (porcelain stoneware) while in the living room you prefer a relaxing and warm environment (wooden parquet).
The use of these inserts is a designer's discretion.